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My Experience at LWF

Updated: Mar 18, 2019

London fashion week for me was quite an enlightening experience and i found it really interesting seeing up-close the chaos that takes place before and after every show. In some respects it gave me a creative boost, really inspiring me and giving me a tangible goal to strive for, which is being involved and relevant in the fashion industry.

In London fashion week I organised a test shoot with the agency Named Models, however I was really unorganised and left it til last minute to plan the shoot. The model I wanted to shoot wasn’t available, however due to me not checking my emails I didn’t see this. I was also invited into the office to meet the agents and bookers who work there, however, at no one fault but my own I didn’t read my emails in time so missed out on a good opportunity to get my name out there. In the future I will make sure to check my work email much more regularly.

During the trip I visited many galleries such as the Tate Modern and the V&A. Gallery trips are very useful because it allows me to not only focus on fashion photography but draw inspiration from a large pool of artistic practises.

It was a really fulfilling experience shooting outside some of the London Fashion Week shows. It allowed me to practice my street style photography as well as shooting in a high octane environment. The chaos that took place outside the shows was invigorating and the energy from both the photographers and those attending the shows gave me a rush.

I did apply to see if I could get any live briefs from magazines however I wasn’t successful - so I just did the briefs we were given by the uni from Vice, Haunt and Voir. The briefs were interesting and pushed me creatively, in order to make sure I complete them to a high standard. Throughout the whole o fashion week I shot with the briefs in the back of my mind to make sure I could get some shots that I could submit.

Overall I found that London fashion week was a really useful experience, it allowed me to witness the chaos of the fashion industry as well as allowing me to practice my street style photography skills, which needed working on. I feel like my work will benefit from this trip as I have been motivated and inspired by all that I have seen.

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